Historical links

Saint Guinefort was a dog who lived in France in the 13th century, worshipped through history as a saint until less than a century ago. The recurrence is soon, on the 22th of August.

Many think middle ages were about superstition, and generally a bad period. Black Death, COVID, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age and Bad Middle Ages tells a different, fascinating story.

Another fascinating middle age story is that of Christine de Pizan, author of The Book of the City of Ladies. This is a very good lecture about her (in Italian): Come pensava una donna nel Medioevo? 2 - Christine de Pizan. You can read some of her books at the Memory of the World library.

If you understand Italian, Alessandro Barbero gives fascinating lectures. You can find them index in a timeline, or in a map.

Still from around the middle ages, we get playing cards: see Playing Cards Around the World and Through the Ages.

If you want to go have a look in person, and you overshoot with your time machine, here's a convenient route planner for antique Roman roads.

View all historical links that I have shared.